Top 10 NBA Beards of 2023: Bearded Basketball Players

  • Jaylen Brown Image
  • Bearded Basketball Players

Basketball players with beards are a common sight on the court, adding their sense of fashion and confidence. Along with dominating the field with their abilities and athleticism, these sportsmen also stand out because of their unusual facial hair. Let’s examine the global phenomenon of bearded basketball players and the appeal they bring to the game, starting with James Harden’s recognisable beard and moving on to other NBA stars with outstanding facial hair.

NBA players are increasingly sporting beards. Beyond their basketball talents, players are expressing themselves via their beards to forge identities. They also strive to add a hint of toughness to seem aggressive on the pitch. 

But this fashion trend didn’t arise overnight. Many players have sported the beard throughout the history of the NBA and helped to start the trend. Future trends suggest that beards will be prevalent in sports like the NFL and the NBA.

Along with their competition on the court, players like Bill Russell and Wilt Chamberlain were also known for their circular goatee beards. Recent NBA players with beards on and off the court include Harden, LeBron James, Isaiah Thomas, and Anthony Davis.

The Increase of Basketball Players with Beards

On the basketball court, facial hair is a common expression of masculinity and uniqueness. Players are becoming more comfortable with their facial hair to express themselves and personal flair, as we have seen throughout the years. This trend has drawn considerable interest from the athletic and fashion industries and enthralling fans.

The reasons for the increase in NBA players sporting longer beards might differ. Beards demonstrate one’s flair and make one stand out and frighten rivals.

The beard represents toughness and grit on the court, where many athletes use the hair on their faces to frighten their rivals.

Off the court, growing a beard is now a fashion statement, and both players and spectators have embraced this stylistic development.

Several NBA players have decided to flesh out their beards throughout the playoffs to symbolise their support and dedication to the club. It is comparable to how NHL players let their playoff beards grow out.

The Beard Which Started It All: The Harden Brothers Effect

  • James Harden pictures

It would be hard to discuss bearded basketball players without mentioning James Harden. His magnificent, fully-grown beard has come to be recognised as his trademark, giving him the moniker “The Beard.” Harden’s facial hair has come to symbolise his distinct personality in addition to improving his on-court appearance. His beard undoubtedly contributed to the development of his reputation and popularity.

NBA’s Notable Players: The Bearded Brotherhood

James Harden 

The most well-known Basketball player with a beard is likely James Harden, the great guard for the Philadelphia 76ers. His distinctive appearance has come to be associated with his performance and brilliance on the basketball floor.

In 2009, Harden began growing a beard. Without his beard, James Harden is difficult to envision. His top lip, chin, and jawline are all covered with a thick, dark beard that is full and bushy.

Harden’s beard has become such a distinctive aspect of his look it has even been registered as a trademark under his name.

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Anthony Davis

  • Anthony Davis

Although he is well known for having a pronounced unibrow, NBA fans also took notice of his beard style. The trimmed moustache of the Laker’s power forward is complemented by a thick, full beard that covers much of his cheeks, chin, and neck.

Domantas Sabonis

  • Domantas Sabonis pictures
  • Domantas Sabonis pictures

Sabonis has a traditional full beard that extends further towards the bottom and surrounds his chin and jawline. The hair on his neck is precisely trimmed to a zero size giving a clean, polished appearance, and he cleanly shaves his upper lip to provide a clear distinction between the coarse beard and his face.

Domantas Sabonis (@dsabonis11)

 Kyrie Irving 

  •  Kyrie Irving image
  •  Kyrie Irving image

The box-style, medium-length, full beard that Kyrie Irving sports enhances his good looks and offers him the ideal appearance for every situation. However, a slight curl in his facial hair emphasises his sharp jawline and evens out the features of his face. In addition, the Mavericks player’s well-kempt moustache lends an air of elegance.

 Fred VanVleet

This parallel style has tidy, round features with slightly tapered sideburns. VanVleet looks wonderful with his round-shaped beard since he keeps it to an average length and cuts it in a round shape.

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Jaylen Brown 

  • Jaylen Brown Image

Brown, a shooting guard for the Celtics, has a thick, finely curled beard that reaches to his jaw. The beard has a clean, defined appearance thanks to the tight line on the cheek, which enhances the NBA player’s overall manly appeal. He gives his beard a lot of attention, cutting it to perfection and ensuring every curl is kept in place.

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Jamal Murray

  • Jamal Murray

Jamal Murray, an NBA player, has a boxing beard identified by its square form. It also comes with a moustache, a chin-length extension of the beard. Some people might even add a quick ducktail beard to the mix.

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Karl Anthony

Stefan Towns has a thicker beard on the chin and shorter on the sides, giving him a garibaldi-like appearance. However, unlike a typical garibaldi, he maintains thin, well-trimmed sideburns.

Follow Karl-Anthony Towns on Instagram

Does facial hair affect performance? Asks Beard and Ball.

Does a beard indeed impact a basketball player’s ability to perform? Facial hair’s effect on the match has been discussed, even though it could seem pointless. While some claim that beards might distract people or impair peripheral vision, others think that the self-assurance and individuality of having hair on your face can improve performance. In the end, each player’s facial hair affects their performance differently.

How to Keep a Chic Beard Both Off and on the Court

An attractive, healthy beard takes work and commitment to grow and maintain. Basketball players with beards frequently spend time on grooming regimens to maintain a sharp appearance on and off the court. Regular pruning, shaping, and moisturising are necessary for a well-groomed beard. Additionally, using high-quality beard care items like oils and balms may maintain the beard smooth and healthy.


Q1. Are there any regulations on facial hair for NBA players?

No, there are no special grooming requirements for facial hair in the NBA. Players are generally free to grow and care for their beards however they see fit.

Q2. Can a player’s performance be hampered or affected by a beard?

 There is no concrete proof that beards significantly affect an athlete’s play or biomechanics on the basketball floor, despite some claims that they may impair peripheral vision.

Q3. Are there any notable bearded basketball players in history?

Yes, historically significant bearded basketball players have existed. Bill Walton, a Hall Basketball Fame player who grew a unique beard throughout his career, is one prominent example.


Bearded Basketball Players have made a lasting impression on the sport and won over fans worldwide. Their facial hair appeals to their performance as a sign of originality and personal flair. These players have demonstrated that a neat beard can be as effective as a clutch three-pointer, whether down to James Harden’s famed beard or the rising brotherhood of bearded ballers. More basketball players will likely adopt the beard fad as it develops, making a lasting mark on and off the court.

In summary, the emergence of bearded NBA players has altered the sport’s aesthetics and developed into an intriguing component of their brands. The bearded ballers’ distinctive techniques inspire fans; their facial hair represents self-expression and confidence. So let’s honour the hairy basketball players and appreciate their confidence and fashion sense on the court.

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